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I Can't....

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Do those words sound familiar? It is so easy to be hard on ourselves and say I just can't. I am busy at work. I am busy with the kids. I did not sleep enough. I just do not feel up to it. My life is full of ups and downs.

I can't.

This week I heard those words reverberating in my head, constantly. My brother and his kallah came from Israel to visit for a week. Although it was very exciting to see them and celebrate their engagement, week long house guests left me feeling like I could not get anything done. I felt that I could not exercise. I could not work on my business. I could not stock my freezer. I just could not.

Thinking these words or even verbalizing it, puts on automatic limit on our abilities. First and foremost, we need to get out of the cycle of negative self talk. I know the feeling of apathy that creeps up whenever I let those thoughts enter my consciousness. It is always down hill from there. I start catastrophizing every tiny thing I have to get down and why it will be impossible to accomplish it. For me, the best thing is to pull back whenever the tiny voice of "I can't" pops up.

I know that I can. I can try hard and succeed and also let go when I need to. I can celebrate the wins and learn valuable lessons from the losses. I can set goals and accomplish them and reset when things do not work out. There is always some way to reset any scenario in my life.

I am strong and capable and so are you!

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